Mount Hope World Singers, (MHWS), of Rochester, New York, is a community chorus rooted in the harmony singing of world song traditions. The chorus was the idea of Mary Lee Miller and was formed in 2013 through an initiative and with the support of South Presbyterian Church to celebrate the rich diversity of world cultures and to foster community in the midst of that diversity.
Our rehearsals and performances were led for three years by Dr. Allison Thorp, a graduate of the Eastman School of Music. With warmth, enthusiasm, and musical talent, she encouraged and inspired us as we learned songs in a variety of languages and rhythms. Allison moved on and is currently Director of Choral Activities and Assistant Professor of Music at Western Carolina University.
Hana Cai was our second director and combined her considerable choral directing skill with great good humor to lead us for one year before moving to Indiana to pursue her doctoral studies.
Brian White is our current director. He's been with us as a singer almost from our beginning and now employs his considerable musical background and his ability to encourage chorus members to develop our own musical abilities.
Although we began as a secular initiative of South Presbyterian Church, in early 2020, Mount Hope World Singers outgrew South's ability to provide support. We are now a member organization of SEAC, the Southeast Area Coalition.